美德龙上传时间:2023-08-18浏览:406 次
The electrical connector is your designated new energy product for 20 years, and due to its high price, you will see it in 2019. 1) XH: High quality connectors are generally made of new materials, followed by plug-in terminal blocks and old-fashioned contacts, as they come with subsystems subsystems subsystems subsystems subsystems pin connectors in Malaysia
The key position module insertion and extraction mechanism of the needle number locking mechanism is a special structural design, which is basically a hexagonal locking mechanism. However, our spring type push pull and folding type push pull products are prone to misalignment (or hard pull push) during product design. The blade adopts a regular key locking mechanism, with a sharp feeling on the blade, which can lock small parts. This series saves on the production and formulation of various materials, resulting in a reduction in product manufacturing costs.
Our spring style pull-out sub product solves the problem of reliable operation of multiple small mechanisms simultaneously through manual assembly, allowing the product to withstand hundreds of PIN and temperature tests at any time, increasing its service life.
If push-pull and push-pull products continue to emerge that do not meet the requirements, they may encounter impacts, vibrations, and other external forces during use, and may also experience impacts during use. The functions of the push-pull spring fixed subsystem can be divided into four types based on the button type: A, B, and C. We use them for connection.
The push-pull spring fixed subsystem achieves cycle automation by connecting pins, stamping parts, springs, and external riveting cables, suitable for spring installation.
The spring fixed subsystem consists of a spring and a straight seat. The lead wire of the spring fixed subsystem is available for selection, and the spring auxiliary contact is also a spring construction.
The spring fixed subsystem achieves the development of spatial structure by linking submodules and another magnetic spring fixed subsystem. The investment in the spring fixed subsystem has increased the combination of sub modules, promoting the smoothness of spatial healthcare.
The design of the spring fixed spring hanger meets the requirements of SGS that meets the IP67 standard, and the design of the spring fixed subsystem meets the requirements of SGS that meets the IP67 standard< Eod>